Alex Dang is an internationally performing poet, TEDx speaker, and slam poetry champion.
Featured on HuffingtonPost, UpWorthy, and EverydayFeminism, his work has been viewed on YouTube over 2 million times. He has performed in over 50 cities, 30 states, and 7 countries.
“ Dang has a remarkable ability to connect with his audiences, using humor and an engaging informality to convey a message that is at once intimate and universal. His poems speak to his experience as an Asian-American with immigrant parents. His incisive observations about the world around him—and his place in it—enlighten and educate, even as they entertain. ”
-excerpt from The Islands’ Sounder
“ In class today, we spent the whole lesson debriefing, and it was clear that students had taken away a wealth of ideas and new tools from your presentation. ”
Liliana (Darwin) Lopez
English Department
Theory of Knowledge Teacher
Seisen International School